How to effectively use your weekends

Raghavendra Deepak Dupuguntala
2 min readNov 1, 2020

With 8+ years of corporate experience, I have seen many ups and downs, during my journey. One thing I have learnt from this industry is, it’s just not the skills or mindset that will help you to excel in your job, you need to do few things above and beyond keeping your self-respect aside, and be more of a people pleaser or on your boss side.

So does that mean there is a short cut, to excel in your career by following the unethical and not so proud of practices that can’t be openly spoken out? Again it’s people decision and choices that they have opted for! is this the only way of survival in the corporate? well, it might be so! Am I opting for it? My answer is a straight “no”. Though I have the option to compromise and carry myself with a fake personality and gain the monetary benefits, I still tend to live my own terms ethically and positively with a clear mindset.

Take the road less travelled, there is a lesser competition here.

So I believe in effective utilization of time and energy, yes there are people like me who exist, in spending life in a very productive way! there are multiple avenues where you can start earning money along with a full-time corporate job. yes, you read it correctly.

  1. You can start blogging and increase the traffic for your site.
  2. You can start learning about investing in stocks and multiply into 2x or 3x of your investments.
  3. You can take up small tuitions for your kids, neighbours and offer professional support to people who are looking to upgrade their current skills and expertise.
  4. Keep working on a side hustle, and start building your dream empire to live the life you wanted.
  5. Become a travel blogger and keep posting the quality content you have had from your experiences in travelling.
  6. Learn a new course or skills, that will help you to upscale your current version.
  7. Try to meet good mentors who can help with your life and coach you to become a better person.

Well, the list is endless, there are so many things that you can do on the weekend that you can do which will keep you busy at the weekends.

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Raghavendra Deepak Dupuguntala

I am a digital marketing Professional, with interests in business and entrepreneurship.